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Custom garment Cancellations

A fabric/notions deposit is the primary payment made on a custom garment order. For cancellations made at least 24 hours after deposit payment and prior to fabric ordering,

a cancellation fee of $25

will be deducted from the deposit amount and

the remaining balance will be refunded.

Most fabric stores, wholesalers and online shops have a strict NO RETURN/NO REFUND policy once fabric has been cut and shipped.

Once the fabric is purchased, the



For cancellations after the garment making process has started, service costs must be paid before the fabric/notions can be returned to the customer.  Please be advised that fabric will be returned "as is" and may be cut or partially sewn. Service costs are calculated by the hour and complexity of the labor involved OR as a fixed rate for certain garments.  Service, fabric and notion costs are clearly stated on invoices. We strive to be professional and fair in our business practices and we understand that situations arise without warning. Therefore, no more than actual percentage of labor will be charged for an incomplete cancelled garment order. Meaning, customers will only be required to pay for the amount of actual work on the garment order.


Cancellations made after the garment is complete must be paid in full and garments will not be made available to customer until balance is paid. Customer will be given a grace period of 45 days to pay the cost of the services. Taosh reserves the rights to ownership of the garment, including rights to sell the garment after 45 days of non-payment of services. 

Appointment and Class Cancellations

Clients are asked to call ahead or text to cancel appointments. Any missed appointments, without notification, are subject to a charge of $10.00.

Alteration Cancellations

Once the alteration process has started customers may cancel the order however there are no refunds for work that has started or completed.  Item(s) will be returned "as is". Please be advised that all fabric, trim, notions, etc. purchased for an alteration order, must be paid for before items or garment can be released. After all payments are settled, the customer has a right to all items purchased concerning said alteration.

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